An eclectic range of Investment Strategies come under the ALTS umbrella. The focus is on the Managers ability to execute their specific strategy.
Alternative Investments (ALTS) covers a broad range of unrelated Investment Strategies including Hedge Funds, Private Equity, Infrastructure. The Managers talent in developing and executing a Strategy will drive the success of their Alternative Investment business. The strategies could be based on liquid, listed, traded securities bonds, equities, commodities or futures, or non-listed securities such as Private Equity. Investing in ALTS may be restricted to Qualified Investors, investors who could reasonably be expected to understand the specialised nature of the risks involved in ALTS.
Prior to investing, the Due Diligence process requires that the Managers ability to execute the investment strategy is confirmed and can be replicated over the medium to long term. Hedging Strategies can be complex as they combine both Long and Short positions. Beware there can be specific liquidity constraints. Redemptions for Hedge Funds could be quarterly. There could be an initial “lock-up period” or a “gate” limiting redemptions could be applied. In the case of Private Equity Funds, the investment period could be 10 years plus. The opposite to ALTS are Traditional Investments, such as Mutual Funds.
Meet the author behind Smartest-Data. Warren William has a career in Finance and Investments extending over 35 years, both on the Buy Side and Sell Side. His most recent roles include, developing Institutional Risk Management Programs for managing Equity and Fixed Income Risk. Prior to this Warren William work in Alternative Investments, in Investment Management and as a Buy Side Equity Analyst. Warren William brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table, providing in-depth analysis and commentary on the latest trends in the Stock Markets. Contact information: or Telegram +393339034488
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