smartest-data blog

U.S. Stock Indexes Bounce Back

indexes bounce back

indexes bounce back, time to relax? Investors are optimistic that the Federal Reserve’s interest rate rises could have ended. The markets are factoring in a 5% likelihood of a rate rise of +25 basis points at the next FOMC meeting on December 12–13. Then there is an 11% possibility of a rate hike on January […]

U.S. stocks indexes are approaching correction territory

correction territory

MAJOR INDEXES NEAR CORRECTION LEVELS This week, stock investors have concerns as the indexes near correction levels. They will have one eye set on the Federal Reserve and the other set on earnings. The FOMC will meet on Wednesday, and the rate announcement will be made on Thursday. It is widely expected that the Fed […]

Three to four storms brewing for the US stock markets

storms brewing

THE storms brewing in the stock markets After a difficult week, the worst in the past month, the S&P 500 dropped below its 200-day average. With the storms brewing, technical selling increased stock losses.The three major U.S. indexes, the S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrials, and Nasdaq 100, declined over the week, reaching 2-week lows. This […]

Company earnings and the potential for war are the focus for US Stocks


Earnings drive the equity markets Geopolitical forces and company earnings are dominating the sentiment towards stocks. The potential for war in the Middle East as the war in Ukraine continues on. War is a terrible even at any time. In economic terms the impact on Crude prices is already being felt. Prices increased by more […]

The week ahead will be one to navigate carefully for stock investors

stock investors

STOCK INVESTORS FOCUS ON risk premium The week ahead will be one to navigate carefully for stock investors. Storms outside the stock market are brewing. They could hit the stock markets with waves of uncertainty. The two immediate concerns are the votes for the new leader of the U.S. House of Representatives. The other is […]

Global deflation would be catastrophic, the early signs are out there

Global deflation

Global deflation be warned it’s a risk Signs of global inflation slowing were positive for the world’s Equity Markets. But be careful, the very early signs of global deflation are out there. Global deflation, combined with the Ukraine War, another potential war would be catastrophic. The Fed’s favourite inflation index, the PCE core deflator climbed. […]

Consider a rise in the Equity Market Risk premium to at least 8.0% in 2024

equity market risk premium

THE equity market risk premium The weakness in stocks continues in the U.S. stock markets as the S&P 500 fell to lows last seen in May. A three-and-a-half month low as the Equity Market Risk Premium starts to rise. Many Fed officials continue to spook the market with their negative comments. Most comments surround the […]

US companies reported earnings that exceeded analysts forecasts

analysts forecasts

TOPPED ANALYSTS FORECASTS BY 78% Stocks closed the week mixed, but off recent lows, with the S&P 500 reaching a four-week high at 4,515 a gain of 2.50%. The major indexes turned their best performances for around 2 months. To a degree this was in response to economic data that pointed to a slowing economy. […]

Warren William

Meet the author behind Smartest-Data. Warren William has a career in Finance and Investments extending over 35 years, both on the Buy Side and Sell Side. His most recent roles include, developing Institutional Risk Management Programs for managing Equity and Fixed Income Risk.  Prior to this Warren William work in Alternative Investments, in Investment Management and as a Buy Side Equity Analyst. Warren William brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table, providing in-depth analysis and commentary on the latest trends in the Stock Markets. Contact information: or Telegram +393339034488

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